When selling your property ensure that you research the market from every possible angle in order to get the best possible deal from the sale. Economic conditions is a key indicator to look out for as selling at the wrong time may affect property prices as it does the cost of living. A rule of thumb to remember is that generally when the economy is doing well, interest rates are low and the demand for property is high. This effect helps push property prices upwards.
One should not be in a haste to sell a property as this will likely make you accept a price lower than the actual value your property could fetch. It is vital to do a comprehensive study of similar properties within your area to get a rough estimate of how much the asking price of your property should be.
The 3 indicators that determine the price of your property are location, demand and the economy. One of the best ways is to employ the services of a real estate valuer who will be able to indicate the true value of your property. Once you obtain the valuation report, you can use it to compare against the appraisals given by real estate agents to determine how accurate the assessment provided by the agent is. This will help you select the best agent who knows the business best as only a good agent will know how much a similar property in your area have been sold for based on recent sales records. With this data, your agent can advise you if the market condition is right for you to sell your property or whether interest rates, inflation rates and any other economic factors are in your favour.
Last but not least, select a licenced & qualified real estate agent to administer your property transaction so as to avoid having to endure the hassle of delays and obstacles.